Beyond the Chair:

Accessibility extends beyond ramps—valuing diverse abilities and fostering inclusivity at all levels.

Wheelchairs aren't just about getting from point A to B; they're about independence, freedom, and breaking down barriers. Yet, there are many myths and misunderstandings surrounding life in a wheelchair. Join us as we unravel eight heartwarming facts that shed light on the real experiences of wheelchair users.

1. Liberation, Not Limitation: Forget the term "wheelchair-bound." Wheelchairs are tools of freedom, not constraints. Each user has their unique journey—some days walking, some days wheeling. It's about choices, not limitations.

2. Personal Space, Personal Respect:
For many, a wheelchair isn't just a chair—it's an extension of personal space. Imagine if someone rested their feet on your favourite spot. That's the sentiment. Treat a wheelchair with the same respect you'd treat someone's personal space.

3. Autonomy Is Everything:
Offering help is kind, but don't assume it's always needed. The strength of wheelchair users lies in their ability to manage daily tasks independently. Ask if help is wanted, but always respect their autonomy.

4. Dance Knows No Bounds:
Wheelchair users are dancers, too! Whether it's wheelchair dance or grooving while seated, everyone deserves a spot on the dance floor. So, invite them to join the fun and ensure the space is dance-friendly for all.

5. Friends, Family, and More:
Life for a wheelchair user extends far beyond a caregiver. They have friends, family, partners—just like you. See the person, not just the chair, and discover the richness of their individual lives.

6. On the Road to Independence:
Wheelchair users can hit the road independently. Customised vehicles make driving possible, breaking the stereotype that mobility is confined to a set space.

7. Parking and Restroom Etiquette:
Accessible spaces are a necessity, not a convenience. It's not just etiquette; it's a legal requirement. Only use these spaces if you genuinely need them, showing respect for those who do.

Understanding these simple truths paves the way for a world where empathy and inclusivity triumph. At Forza Freedom, we celebrate diversity and provide wheelchairs that prioritise comfort and independence. Join us in creating a community where everyone is seen, heard, and celebrated.